Norðan 2 - Celtic Harp and Nordic Fiddle                back to Norðan   back to Thomas Loefke

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Angelika Hansen & Thomas Loefke Norðan 2 
Celtic Harp and Nordic Fiddle - 
North Atlantic Soundscapes     
tutl SHD 216 / Laika Records 35104152
Angelika Hansen -  fiddle, viola
Thomas Loefke  -  celtic harp
Ian Melrose - guitar, low whistle, bass 
Hannah Alkire - cello (3/4/8)
Kerstin Blodig - guitar (5)
Sanna Bæk Hoydal - vocals (4)
Finnur Hansen - keys (4/8)
Joe Scott - guitar, bass (3)

15€ + postage,  order by email:

The new album Norðan 2 contains 14 original compostions by either Angelika or Thomas, a tune written for Norðan by Faroese composer Kristian Blak, a melody by Shetland fiddler Jenna Reid and a traditional slow air from Ireland. 
North Atlantic islands like Stora Dimun, gannets and hedgehogs, boats, valleys and hidden lakes like Fjallavatn inspire the music on this album - and Angelika’s two daughters Bjørk and Brá who lend their names to two of Angelika’s compositions.
Track 08 marks a revisit to Djupini, the most played track on Faroese radio in the first half of 2021.
On 11 tracks Angelika and Thomas are joined by Scottish guitarist Ian Melrose. Other contributors on occasional tracks are cellist Hannah Alkire and guitarist Joe Scott from Colorado, singer Sanna Bæk Hoydal and keyboarder Finnur Hansen from the Faroe Islands and Berlin based Norland Wind guitarist Kerstin Blodig.
The album was recorded by Finnur Hansen in Torshavn and mixed and mastered by Jörg Surrey at teldex studios in Berlin: two great sound engineers who guarantee the excellent sound of this production.
The artwork on disc and slieve features the mesmerising painting “Norðan“ by Faroese artist Samal Joensen-Mikines (1906 - 1997), a painting which not only has inspired the music of the duo Norðan for the last ten years but in fact gave it its name.

1 Súlan  (Thomas Loefke, arr. Hansen, Melrose)   youtube video
the gannet, nowhere you get as close to this majestic bird as on Mykines in the Faroese wild west; feat. Ian Melrose (g/b/keys)
2 Afskedsvals  (Angelika Hansen, arr. Loefke, Melrose) 
Farewell Waltz, composed in the Tutl-bus on the way to Vágar airport; feat. Ian Melrose (b)
3 Teistin  (Thomas Loefke, arr. Hansen, Alkire, Scott, Blodig, Melrose)   youtube video
the guillemot, name of the ferry boat between the islands of Streymoy and Sandoy which will be soon replaced by a tunnel; feat. Hannah Alkire (cello), Joe Scott (g/b)
4 Nemlig  (Thomas Loefke, arr. Hansen, Bæk-Hoydal, Alkire, Hansen, Melrose)
not really translatable into English - a tune praising a word which embellishes the ends of many of Angelika’s sentences; feat. Sanna Bæk Hoydal (voc), Hannah Alkire (cello), 
Finnur Hansen (keys), Ian Melrose (low whistle) 
5 Steinurin Í Íðu & Skorarheyggjurin  (Angelika Hansen, arr. Blodig, Loefke, Melrose)
two places on Stóra Dímun: The rock in the current - musically the rock is represented by the harp ostinato while the violin whirls around this rock in the ocean. Skorarheyggurin is a hill on the island’s westcoast; feat. Kerstin Blodig (g), Ian Melrose (g)
6 Bjørk  (Angelika Hansen)  youtube video
the elder daughter of Angelika and Finn. Composed for her baptism, when she got her name. Bjørk refers to the birch tree, one of the few tree species growing on the Faroes.
7 Her er gott at dansa  (Angelika Hansen, arr. Loefke, Melrose)  youtube video
here it’s good to dance, the title is part of a refrain often used in ballads for Faroese dancing. The tune melodically and rhythmically refers to bits and pieces from well known Faroese ballads; feat. Ian Melrose (b/perc.)  
8 Djúpini (Thomas Loefke, arr. Hansen, Alkire, Hansen, Melrose)  youtube video
Hannah’s cello and Ian’s low whistle join us on this revisit to Djúpini - the stretch of water between the islands of Eysturoy and Kalsoy; 
feat. Ian Melrose (g/b/low whistle), Finnur Hansen (keys), Hannah Alkire (cello)
9 Súla Song  (Kristian Blak, arr. Hansen, Loefke, Melrose)
gannet song written for Norðan by Faroese composer and pianist Kristian Blak based on his children song “Vestan fyri Mykines“; feat. Ian Melrose (g/b)
10 Brimgjáir  (Angelika Hansen, arr. Loefke)  youtube video
froth remaining from breaking waves, place name on the island of Stóra Dímun
11 The Promising Light  (Thomas Loefke, arr. Hansen)
coming back from a walk through the snowy hills, the warm light of a bright window welcomes you back to your friends and a hot cup of tea; feat. Ian Melrose (b)
12 Dancing Hedgehogs in the Moonlight  (Loefke, arr. Hansen, Melrose)  youtube video
have you ever seen dancing hedgehogs in the moonlight? Neither have we, but it is a nice imagination and makes a good title; feat. Ian Melrose (g/b)
13 Brá  (Angelika Hansen)
the younger daughter of Angelika and Finn. Her name is inspired by the beautiful flower, Baldursbrá, which you can find on the island of Nólsoy in the summer. Brá is a lively, strong and happy girl, which this dance tune tries to portray.
14 Fjallavatn  (Thomas Loefke, arr. Hansen)  youtube video
peaceful lake hidden in the Vágar mountains
15 Friday Morning Nine O’Clock  (Thomas Loefke, arr. Hansen, Melrose) 
not a “Monday morning blues“, but a “Friday morning waltz“ celebrating a series of phone calls that actually never happened; feat. Ian Melrose (g)
16 The West Shores of Quarff  (Jenna Reid)
stunning melody written by Shetland fiddler and composer Jenna Reid
17 Níon a' Bhaoigheallaigh  (trad. arr. Angelika Hansen / Thomas Loefke)
Boyle’s daughter, the melody of a traditional Irish song, learnt from the wonderful singing of Donegal fiddler and singer Mairéad Ní Mhaonaigh

produced by Angelika Hansen & Thomas Loefke
recorded by Finnur Hansen at FH-Studio, Tórshavn
mixed, edited and mastered by Jörg Surrey at teldex, Berlin 
painting “Norðan“ on slieve back and disc by Sámal Joensen-Mikines (1906 - 1997)
used with kind permission from Pernille Mikines
photography: Thomas Loefke, Christiane Stanko, Hans-Georg Flack
artwork by Thomas Loefke
Angelika’s violin made by Nicolas Augustin Chapay (1730 - 1784)
Thomas’ harp made by Jan Muyllaert
this recording was supported by Mentanargrunnur Landsins, Gramex and 
KODA-Føroyar grunnurin
track 1,3,4,8,14,15,17 published by Laika records & publishing
special thanks to: Ian Melrose, Jörg Surrey, Finnur Hansen, 
Kristian Blak, Hannah Alkire, Kerstin Blodig, Joe Scott, Sanna Bæk Hoydal,
Finn Hansen, Christiane Stanko, Sharon Weiss, Máire Breatnach, Jenna Reid,
Helen Davies, Liv Vester Larsen, Hans-Georg Flack, Manfred Pollert, Peter Cronemeyer

painting “Norðan“ by Sámal Joensen-Mikines

Tutl records Niels Finsens gøta 9c, Tórshavn, Faroe Islands
Laika records Schlachte 41, D-28195 Bremen

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